Friday, December 03, 2010

Be a part of my final project!

Would you like to be a part of my final project for Photo I and also get a neat little photo for yourself?  You don't need makeup, fancy hair or be a model!  What I'm looking for is normal Minnesotans, bundled up for the coming snowstorm.  All I want is a photo of you, in your normal snow stuff, outside.  That's it!  Super simple!  See photo for example!  Call it "Sarcastic MN Fashion".  ;)


I'm willing to go all over Minneapolis and St. Paul in the next couple of days, weather permitting, to get the shots that I need.  Are you interested?  Just email if you are, and we'll arrange a meetup.  We could even possibly do this over your lunch hour, between classes, or whenever!  I'm looking forward to hearing from you!



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