Saturday, May 31, 2008


I was down taking some photos of the 35W bridge reconstruction when the sirens blew for the tornado warning. I managed to get some beautiful images while I was down there though. The above is easily my favourite though. To really appreciate it, you need to click it and check out the big version. To see the rest of the images, click here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Green Windows?

Green Windows?
Originally uploaded by Photosynthetique
Found in the warehouse district.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by Photosynthetique
My little cutie!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Blasphemina's Apple

Originally uploaded by Photosynthetique
Lord Moon's comment on Flickr:

"No Snow White! Don't take it!"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Along a Lonely Rail

Here's one of the first images from Blasphemina's spring fashions. Kim is such a great GL model.

Sunlight over the Swamp

Originally uploaded by Photosynthetique
Work is progressing on the images for Blasphemina's Closet's spring fashion line. In the meantime, I wanted to share this great image of a swampy marshland along the St. Croix River, just outside of Red Wing, Minnesota. I was following what is supposed to be a water access road, but it turned out to have great access than I anticipated! About half a mile along, the road hit a flooded area so I stopped to take some pictures. It was very nerve-wracking trying to turn around on a very narrow single-lane road with thick muddy water to either side.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Images from the Ann Bancroft event!

Ann Bancroft

The "Explore the Four Corners" event was a wonderful experience. The speakers were inspiring, the settings well made, and everyone was a joy to speak to. It was not completely without hitch, as the backdrops and props for the Tokyo corner (where I was) were not fully set up due to workers being locked out of the Depot earlier in the day so we had precious little to work with. Samantha Rei and her models, being the professionals that they are, were still able to pull it off with aplomb. I think that everyone had a really fun time, and getting the chance to hear Ann Bancroft speak was a rare honour. She is truly a courageous human being, someone who has worked hard for and achieved her dreams. I hope that in a few years, when Inara is old enough to appreciate her words, we can go see her speak again, as Ann is absolutely one of the best possible role models a young girl can have.

Thank you to the Ann Bancroft Foundation for hosting such a beautiful event, and thanks to Samantha Rei of Blasphemina's Closet for continuing to let me take pretty pictures at all of her events!

(Clicking on any of the images will take you to the full set.)

The girls of Blasphemina's Closet

Samantha Rei meeting Ann Bancroft

Girls of Blasphemina's Closet

Samantha Rei of Blasphemina's Closet