Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



I've been bad about posting on the blog when I've uploaded new stuff lately, so here is the belated post about Sanitarium, presented by The Libertine Asylum and hosted by Chamber in the Bolt Underground. The event went really well! I had a great time. Most of you have already seen all of them, but in case you haven't:

My photos from the event are here.

The photos from my wonderful assistant Jane can be found here. (Ignore my obvious drunkenness in that set.)




Saturday, July 25, 2009


I've posted images from the Harry Potter meetup! It was really fun seeing some new faces, and great hanging out with the familiar ones. Too bad some of us accidentally got to the theatre late and saw a different showing! *sad face*

To see the whole set, go to my flickr account here. To see all of the Minnesota Rufflebutts meetups, they can be found here.

Shameless self-promotion: If you have an event that needs a professional photographer to cover, please check out the newly redesigned and see if my services are what you are looking for!

