Friday, August 14, 2009

IMGP3491 to have two in the same year is pretty fucking awesome. Granted, this most recent one to Duluth was only a day and a half, but it was so worth it! I had such a great time and couldn't have asked for a better companion with whom to experience it all. I had no idea that Duluth was so amazingly gorgeous. We saw so many great things and did nearly all of it for little or no cost. I seriously want to do it again something in the fall, because I bet it's just beautiful there when the leaves change. Also, seriously we are the best accidental planners ever (well, really, Michelle is) because we happened to be sitting on a foggy pier on Lake Superior during one of the most active meteor showers of the current decade. As a geeky individual who used to dream of being an astrophysicist, could I have asked for such serendipity?

Note in the last photo in this post that this was my longest exposure to date, nearly 10 minutes. Those lines in the sky are star trails because the exposure was so long that you can actually see the Earth's rotation.

Whole set here.



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