Friday, July 20, 2007

My Last Day

Well, today, July 20, 2007, is my official last day of "work". I've loved working at Rockabilia, but from now on I'm no longer a "Photoshop Expert" and will now be known as "Full-time Daddy". I've really been looking forward to this for some time, and I can't believe that it's actually here! Not only will I be spending most of my time with Inara, this will also allow me more time to work on my photography. Hopefully I'll start making enough money where I won't be a kept man entirely, but for now Danielle is going to be bringing home all of the bacon. This is super scary and super exciting at the same time.
I can handle all of the household chores save for one: cooking. I'm definitely going to have to work on that because as it is right now, sandwiches, microwave burritos, frozen pizza and cereal will get fast very quickly. :)

Also, I'm going to very quickly appreciate my Netflix membership. Wish me luck!

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